Thursday, October 11, 2012

Dr. Conrad Murray helps educate the public on Puppy Mills

So, I started this blog with the intention of being humorous and keeping an online diary of our quirky family antics.  As a result of laziness more than anything, I haven't updated in quite a while.  Today's post is not funny in a ha-ha sort of way.  Rather, it is more funny in a isn't-this-a-sad-world-we-live-in sort of way. 

It started when I opened up today and saw an article about the deplorable conditions Dr. Conrad Murray is being subjected to while in jail.  If you recall, this is the man who was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the overdose death of Michael Jackson.  He has been in a 5X7 jail cell since November of 2011.

What made me laugh, and then cry, were the quotes from his attorney, Michael Flanagan.  Taken directly from the CCN website, here are a few zingers:

"If one were to keep a dog in a space just a few inches larger than the dog's length, for any extended period of time, contentions of animal cruelty possibly leading to prosecution would likely result," attorney Michael Flanagan wrote.

"Death or injury at the hands of another prisoner, however, is no worse than a slow death caused by a loss of circulation and atrophy resulting from inhumane confinement of a large man in a tiny space," attorney Michael Flanagan wrote in a letter addressed to Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca Wednesday.
I honestly am having a hard time figuring out where to begin with my thoughts on this article and on the quotes by this ignorant attorney. 

First off, the conditions of breeding dogs living in a puppy mill are those described above, and much worse.  They are forced to drink out of rabbit feeders, rather than a bowl.  They usually walk on grated wire cages bottom rather than a solid floor.  They are denied access to veterinary care, and it is all within USDA quidelines. 

The following link gives guidelines for the required cage size as specified by USDA regulations:

Here is what "home" looks like to a breeding dog (borrowed from Animal Ark Shelter web site):

Basically, a dog gets an extra six inches over and above its body length to turn around, and six inches of room above its head.  This well-educated attorney seriously thinks that it is illegal to have a dog in a cage jus a few inches larger than its body?  I don't know which is sadder; the fact that this practice actually happens all over our country, or the fact that well-educated people still don't know that it is happening.

What do you think this does to a dog's body and mind?  A "slow death" from the above quote?  Yes, that and more.  Some of these dogs, even after they are rescued, never get to experience a normal dog life.  Some of them have muscles so weak that they never learn to run.  It's appalling.

Please remember also that Dr. Conrad Murray is being punished for a crime.  All these poor dogs did was to be born.  Please, let's educate the public about puppy mills.  Obviously the word is not out there enough if an article like this gets published on a worldwide website and no one is screaming about it. 

And, please, I implore you ADOPT, DON'T SHOP.  Every time someone buys a puppy from a pet store, this situation lives on.  Please, don't allow people to profit from cruelty.  Let's put an end to puppy mills forever.  More importantly, let's invest more resources, both time and money, to help the innocent and not the guilty. 

Please get involved.  There are great rescues out there doing their best to stop this atrocity.  One of my favorites is National Mill Dog Rescue.  Here is a link to their website:

There is also the place near and dear to my heart, North Shore Animal League America:  I have been volunteering there since 1998.  They are the world's largest no-kill shelter and are dedicated to saving animals.

Please help make this world a better place.  I know we can do it.
